From Life’s Cove: Laughs, Musings, & More

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A Glimpse Into the Book:

“In an all-female heart-to-heart conversation, one of the topics centered on sleep deprivation. With all apologies and due respect to the people who have erred unknowingly and unintentionally, I have an honest confession to make. My sympathies lie with those wives who have their sleep completely disrupted, courtesy the snoring of their beloved husbands. While one wife compared the snoring to a lion’s roar, another said it competed with a zooming motorcycle. Both victims shared how they shifted to a different room in the middle of the night.”

From Life’s Cove: Laughs, Musings, & More is a collection of anecdotes where I look at mundane matters in our day-to-day existence. Some of these observations are laced with humor as I explore varied scenarios from kids embarrassing their parents and husbands acting smart to receiving unsolicited advice and making gaffes during polite conversations. The second part of the book has a slightly serious tone. In those last four chapters, I reflect on the importance of forgiveness, the dichotomy between reason and faith, my definition of friendship, and my sweet nostalgia of my growing-up days.